Recent news / press

The Third Rider in Yo Dona/El Mundo & El Periódico de Cataluña
The Third Rider African chapter in Yo Dona weekly magazine. Reportage by Alfons Rodríguez.
The Third Rider in Magazine La Vanguardia
The Third Rider american chapter (Guatemala) in weekly magazine of La Vanguardia. Text Alberto Arce Photos by Alfons Rodríguez. Cover story.
The Third Rider in Yo Dona / El Mundo & El Periódico de Cataluña
The Third Rider american chapter (Haiti) in Yo Dona weekly magazine. Reportage by Alfons Rodríguez
The Third Rider in El País Semanal
South Sudan chapter in weekly magazine EPS. Text by Álvaro de Cózar Photos by Alfons Rodríguez
The Third Rider in ACH magazine
Alfons' s project in ACH Magazine (Guatemala)
The Third Rider in Yo Dona / El Mundo & El Periódico de Cataluña
The Third Rider asian chapter ( Philippines) in Yo Dona weekly magazine. Reportage by Alfons Rodríguez
The Third Rider in Italy - Shoot 4 Change
The Third Rider project announced in Italy through the Shoot 4 Change organization. Click on Read More button.
The Third Rider in italian newspaper La Repubblica
The Third Rider project published in Italy. Photo Gallery. Click on Read More button.
The Third Rider in Yo Dona / El Mundo & El Periódico de Cataluña
The Third Rider project v chapter- America/ Guatemala. Click on Read More button.
The Third Rider in Bosnia & Herzegovina / Fotografija BA and Canon
The Third Rider project published in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The Third Rider in Bosnia & Herzegovina / Radio Sarajevo.
The Third Rider project issued in Radio Sarajevo 90.2 - Bosnia Herzegovina.
The Third Rider awarded in Madrid
The Third Rider project finalist awarded in Madrid, December, 11th 2012. XVI CODESPA AWARDS Journalism for the Development category. S.A.R. Prince of Asturias.
The Third Rider Book presented in Barcelona
Alfons interviewed in Yo Dona Magazine on TTR Project.
listen by clicking on Read More button.
The Third Rider in El Triangle Magazine
A reportage by Victor Saura in this historical weekly catalan magazine.

The Third Rider exhibition start in Navarra, Spain.
Exhibition in Pamplona CIVICAN from 26th/02 to 15th/03

The Third Rider book and project presentation in Navarra, Spain.
Presentation in Pamplona CIVICAN from 26th/02 to 15th/03

The Third Rider exhibition packed and ready to fly away
Addretouch Labo and team: Joan Roig, Peppino Molina & Eduard Matas.
© Photo Isabel González

The Third Rider book in De Viajes Magazine. Hearts.
Issue march, 2013.

The Third Rider featured in EL PAÍS newspaper.
February, 2013.

The Third Rider featured in Frontera D Magazine
February, 2013.
The Third Rider interview in ABC Punto Radio
February, 2013.
The Third Rider project. Alfons interview in RTVE Radio Nacional. R3 and R5 - radio exterior.
February, 2013.

The Third Rider Book, presented in IDEP School of Photography. Barcelona.
February, 2013.
The Third Rider Book and multimedia, presented in Palma de Mallorca. Sa nostra. Featured in El Mundo Newspaper.
March, 2013.
The Third Rider featured in Austral Photo.
March, 2013.
The Third Rider featured in Channel 2 RTVE NEWS ( La 2).
Minut 17'.
March, 2013.

The Third Rider featured in Diario de Navarra Newspaper
March, 2013.

The Third Rider featured in Noticias de Navarra
March, 2013.
The Third Rider in CADENA SER Radio. Interview to Alfons Rodríguez.
March, 2013.
July, 2013

August, 2013

The Third Rider Project and book in Cortona On The Move, La Toscana. Presented by Arianna Rinaldo and Antonio Amendola.
Summer, 2013.
The Third Rider exhibition in Cortona, La Toscana, got 20.000 visitors!
Summer, 2013
The Third Rider in ONG-C Magazine.
October, 2013

The Third Rider Project. Interview in EITB Radio-Vasque Country. La Casa de la palabra. Roge Blasco.
11th, February, 2014.
The Third Rider in CADENA SER Radio - VITORIA GASTEIZ. Interview to Alfons Rodríguez.
February, 2014.

The Third Rider Interview in El Diario.
February, 2014.

The Third Rider exhibition Interview at TV l'H.
November, 2014.

The Third Rider exhibition in Santander Caja Cantabría Obra Social and in Florence, at Florence Art Week. Thousands of visitors.
April and May 2015.

The Third Rider interview in PREFERENCIES RNE R4.
December 2014.

The Third Rider Multimedia in Festival Imaginaria. Castellon.
May 2015

J.M. QUINTANA CÁMARA author of original soundtrack for The Third Rider ( STOP HUNGER) Nominated for the Oscar Awards for music in Hollywood The HMMA Hollywood Media Music Awards.
Mali, El Corazón herido del Sahel. Hambre y yihadismo. LA VANGUARDIA. Mayo 2019. Texto Xavier Aldekoa.